Programming Projects

While I’m not the most active programmer, I do occasionally work on side projects that I’m ever so slightly proud of. This page showcases some random projects I’ve created, each contributing to humanity’s betterment in their own questionable ways.

This Website

Originally I used Adobe Portfolio as a free website builder, but, frustrated by the lack of control and small bugs, I decided to remake my website from scratch. Is it better? Probably not, but if you tell me that, my feelings will be hurt. It uses Astro.js for a framework since everything is static.

🏄 YTSurfer

YTSurfer is a website that is continuously playing TV “channels” of related YouTube videos. Heavily inspired by the website, I wanted to create my own version so that I could play around with making my own channels. By using the YouTube embeded player, it shows no ads. It even works with free movies on YouTube, with the stipulation that the movie can not be rated above G. The GitHub repo also has a basic Python scraper to auto generate channels from YouTube playlists or YouTube channels.